That year went slowly, no success with syndications....not yet anyway.Have decided to publish electronically, I have started writing the First book thorough "LULU" not gotten to grasps with this entirely yet, but it seems very user friendly and basic services look free so far, you can always spend money if you want to.
Its quite painfull waiting for rejections from syndications and definitely knocked my confidence, but its time to get back on my feet and launch ........ Plan C , I figure I need to create my own market through the internet have some fun, this is much more achievable.
Ive also asked to become an associate member of the " Cartoonist Club of Great Briton" CCGB, they will know more about this than me, application pending, it seems to me that patience levels need to be quite high in this game when starting out, or I've been knocking on the wrong doors, time to puch one open, I'll stay with this blog this time hopefullly more will be happening.