Save images as a jpeg file, open up microsoft paint, cut, copy and paste into a word document, add header with all neccessary info, name,email,tel.No.
For the Univesal Uclick submission ( done from their website ) you can;t send an attachment above 8mb, so mines broken down into 4, then press send, 3 more submissions to sort out and send by post .
But for now that's it , fingers crossed 1600 to 1 , the dice have been rolled , as promised :
" O-L-I has Landed "
My name is Compo as in Compost pile, Oli’s idea, I’m a plant life from Home. I’m definitely the more intelligent of this pair, grown from seed I can walk and talk and enjoy most food. I have no powers other than these , which is advanced for plant life on Earth I believe , oh , I can communicate with plants and animals. We both have a great sense of humour and enjoy our travels together , experiencing each day as it comes , we are also available in black and white.